Xcell serum free media

A revolutionary defined culture media designed to support the growth and expansion of cells, eliminating the need for animal products in cell based meat applications.

Xeno-free Formulation
No Animal Products : Xcell serum free media s completely free of animal-derived components, eliminating ethical concerns and potential for variability.

Consistent Quality

The defined nature of X-cell serum free media ensures batch-to- batch consistency, leading to more reliable and reproducible results.


Improved Scalability and Reduced Costs
Reduced Reliance on FBS
X-cell serum free media eliminates the need for costly and ethically controversial fetal bovine serum (FBS), making cell-based meat production more affordable and sustainable.

Lower Production Costs
X-cell serum free media is significantly cheaper to produce than traditional FBS-containing media, further reducing the costs of cell-based meat manufacturing.

Scalable Production
The consistent quality and defined nature of X-cell serum free media make it easier to scale up production, enabling the efficient and cost-effective growth of cells for commercial applications.

Advantages in Cell-based Meat Production
X-cell serum free media defined formulation and reduced reliance on FBS contribute to lower production costs, making cell-based meat more affordable for consumers.

The absence of animal-derived components in X-cell serum free media eliminates ethical concerns associated with traditional cell culture methods.

The defined nature and cGMP manufacturing of X-cell serum free media enable efficient scaling of cell- based meat production for commercial applications.